Saturday, October 20, 2007

Not Your Grandma's Cuckoo Clock

I apologize for the lack of posts over the last two days, but between some internet connection problems and a stomach bug I was out of commission. Fear not, I'm back now, and I have lots to share with you.

I can't help but write a post about this cuckoo clock that I love:

The Cuckoo Clock by Tobias Reischle is from the MoMA store and costs $375 ($300 for members). It's not often that you see a cuckoo clock in someone's home, but wouldn't this make you smile if you came across it? The stark contrast between the black and the white creates a very modern take on a traditional form, and it brings the cuckoo clock into the new millenium (which, I suppose, isn't really that new any more). At $375 it isn't exactly a steal, so for a less expensive version, check out the Trompe L'oeil Wall Clock from Urban Outfitters.

At only $20, this take on the cuckoo clock is much more affordable, but it lacks the cuckoo. The clock is mounted on a vinyl wall sticker which maintains the cuckoo clock form in yet another modern way.

One final option, also from UO, is the Neon Cuckoo Clock for $10.

This clock comes is neon pink or green, and for $10, is a steal. It is made of plastic, and the bird doesn't actually move, but it's a cute option for someone who needs some color on their wall.

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