Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Old School

I am about to let you in on a really good secret, but you have to promise to be responsible with the knowledge that I am about to impart. No reckless behavior allowed. Most importantly, if I am on my way to get one of these, please don't take the last one!

Glaser's Bake Shop has been open and in its original located since 1902. To have that kind of longevity in NYC, their goods have got to be pretty darn tasty, right? I am proud to say that I have sampled a lot (we're talking an embarrassing amount) of the treats from Glaser's, and their sugar donut is perhaps the best sugar donut I've ever had. Do yourself a favor and go try one today! They are located on First Avenue and 87th Street.

But wait, this is a design blog so I have to say something about design, don't I? Stepping foot in Glaser's is like being transported back in time. The place is covered in dark wood paneling, the kitchen is open for all to see, and the facade is straight out of the 1950s. The tile floor is beautiful and the quaint lace curtains in the windows make you feel like you're coming home. I guess if you're there as frequently as I am, it could be considered home...

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more! They are very much like Dreesen's (for all you Hamptons people). I also love the old school look of Glaser's. I always feel like I went back in time to 1950's Brooklyn!
