Thursday, October 4, 2007


My mother always told me that if I didn't have anything nice to say then to not say anything at all. Now, I don't consider myself a mean person (actually, I think I'm pretty nice!), but sometimes I just can't help myself.

This post is a lesson in how design is not always good.

I came across this chair twice yesterday (once in the fall/winter 2007 issue of InStyle Home and once in the November 2007 issue of House & Garden), and I must say, I find it quite ugly. The design of the actual chair is okay - it has a nice round back with a single leg. It is the fabric that I find so awful. It is called the
Waterlily Patchwork Chair, and while I love waterlilies (Monet, anyone?) and patchwork (did you happen to see the Quilts of Gee's Bend exhibition at the Whitney a few years ago?), this fabric doesn't quite cut it. There is an overall color scheme of blues and aquas, but then there are reds, yellows, and black. There is too much contrast and not enough of a common element in the various patches.

To salvage this chair, however, I would like to see it in a traditional print (a damask, perhaps?) in an unusual and bright color scheme:

I love when traditional and contemporary design are joined in an unusual but clever way.

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