Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Mirror, mirror, on the wall...

So I mentioned my search for a mirror for our entranceway in my last post. Specifically, I'm looking for something to fit between two light switches (why one was put in the middle of the wall I have no idea!) that has a small shelf or hook for keys. You see, my daughter can now reach the top of the table we have by the door, so I can no longer leave things there if I don't want to be picking them up all day.

Here is the leading contender:

It is the "Half a Portion" Mirror with Shelf from the Moma Store, and it is only $198. (I say "only" because I've seen other mirrors that are closer to $1000 than $100 so I was pleasantly surprised that I liked one of the less expensive ones for once!) I love the form and function because while it is funny and adds a little humor to the home, it also serves a purpose as a place to rest keys and spare change.

What do you think?

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