Saturday, September 19, 2009

New Attitude

Ok, so life as a stay at home mom can most certainly be tedious. And boring. And repetitive. But it's also just so amazing.

P started school this week, and while she is only going 3 days per week, it's just incredible to see her go off on her own and have these fantastic new experiences. I have to give myself (and B, the most wonderful father and husband) a little pat on the back because I think that some of what we've done over the last 3 years has worked. I mean, she's happy (most of the time), she is friendly (usually), she is sweet (unless she's being rotten), and she's smart (but every parent thinks that about their child, right?). I'm just proud of her. And proud of us. I feel good about how we've raised her over the last 3 years. Don't get me wrong, we have certainly made plenty of mistakes, but we'll hopefully not make those same mistakes with L.

I love my family. I'm a lucky lady, and I am trying to remember that and not get carried away about the little things.

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