Monday, September 12, 2011


Ok, so I'm having some difficulty getting back into this whole blogging thing and can't figure everything out, but bear with me. (I would like to create a new paragraph beginning with the next line, but for some reason I cannot do it! As I said, bear with me.) Are friends not the best? My hubby was out of town for the weekend and I was home with the girls (whew!), but a friend invited us to her house for dinner on Saturday. Much to my surprise, she and her family (sweet husband and adorable boys!) made it a belated birthday celebration for me (BK, you really shouldn't have!), and it was just so freaking sweet! The kids had a great time and it added such a little shining moment to my weekend. So, yes, friends rock! Thank you guys again for such a fun night and such thoughtful gifts!
P.S. I love my new mug!

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