Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What I'm Reading

This post should actually be titled 'What I Read' since I finished this last night:

I can't remember where I read a review that made me want to read Maine by J. Courtney Sullivan, but just looking at the cover, don't you want to read it?

Maine is about the Kelleher family - Alice and Daniel and their adult children, their sons- and daughters-in-law, their grandchildren.  Talk about a dysfunctional family!  With all of the craziness of almost every member of the family, none of the characters were so over-the-top that I found it hard to believe.  I really felt like I could have been reading one family's true story.  There were some funny moments and some surprising moments, but overall it was a fairly depressing depiction of family life.  I thought for sure there would be one character that I would identify with or root for, but I could see myself in almost all of them, including the incredibly unlikable ones!  Oh, and I still have no idea which character that is supposed to be, lying on the beach in her bikini...

Overall, it was an entertaining book that I looked forward to cuddling up with.

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