Friday, January 6, 2012

Gratitude and Gratefulness

Here is what is on my list today:

1) Time to myself.  To think, to write, to read, to do as I please.

2) A great conversation with a friend.  Wasn't expecting it, but what a nice surprise it was.  Learned a lot about my friend and, in turn, myself.  I've been feeling happier and more like my normal self since.

3) Going to bed at 6pm.  (Ok, I didn't fall asleep until 7pm.  And then I woke up at 9pm to have a bowl of cereal because I was starving. And I stayed awake until almost 11pm reading.) It's amazing how much easier it was to get out of bed at 6am this morning. Shocking?  Not really.

4) Sweet hubby.  I ask a lot of him, such as last night when he bathed the girls, brushed their teeth, dressed them in their pjs, read to them in our bed, and tucked each of them in.  Because I was pooped and was already in bed myself.  See #3 above.

5) Shining sun.  So much more pleasant than a grey sky.

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