Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Hello again and Vacation Part I

I am sorry I have been gone for so long, but it was a wild two weeks and we were all over the place.  As you know, I am a visual person, so instead of telling you what we were up to you can see for yourself.  This is from Part I of our break from school with my family in Miami:

As you can see, there was swimming, running bases on the beach, iguanas, peacocks, and dolphins at the Seaquarium, and fun with napkins.  Oh, and yes that is P, my big girl, with the dolphin - she was chosen to be part the audience participant in the dolphin show and she loved it.  I may have loved it more - watching her experience the whole thing.  Makes me smile every time I think about it.

More photos to come from Parts II and III of our weeks off.

Hope you had lots of fun over the holidays!  xoxo

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