Monday, January 9, 2012

The Secret Garden and Incredibly Gorgeous Books!

I am reading The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett to P, and I just had to show you the incredible clothbound edition that I found:

P is only 5, so I'm not sure the book is age-appropriate, but I couldn't help but buy it when I laid eyes on it.  This is the kind of thing I imagine us keeping and perhaps one day passing down to our children to read with their children.  If they have children which I hope they do...if they want to.  Their happiness if most important, of course.  Getting ahead of myself here.  You know what I mean.

Look at some of the other beautiful books available:

Some of them are available here, and of course you can try your local independent bookstore.  I found mine at BBGB.  Love that place. I may have to get some for me, too.  Check 'em out.

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