Monday, February 13, 2012

365 Project - Days 41 - 44

Day 41:
the girls love jumping off this coffee table.
i'd be lying if i said it didn't make me nervous,
but she has gotten pretty good at getting stitches...

 Day 42:

went to the pottery studio for a few hours.
had a great time, but missed all of the snow.
as i was about to get into my car i turned around and saw this.

 Day 43:

the gals goofing around on the sofa.
doing their own take on the john lennon and yoko one photograph.
which one?  check it out here.

Day 44:

today i saw this little cutie pie come into this world.
(i could say i saw her being born, but not sure about the grammar...)
(i was there to photograph the c-section for a good friend.)
she is perhaps the cutest newborn ever (aside from my girls, of course - a mom has to say that, right?)
just look at those cheeks!

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