Friday, April 27, 2012

365 Project: Days 107 - 117

Day 107 (Monday, April 16):

we came home from school.
p and i were in the kitchen having a snack.
but where was l?
in her room, "reading" a book to her friends whom she had tucked in bed.

Day 108 (Tuesday, April 17):

my view from the sofa.
where i often nap in the afternoons.
lucky me.

Day 109 (Wednesday, April 18):

we went outside to blow bubbles.
l wanted to bring this silicone placemat to draw.

Day 110 (Thursday, April 19):

l's first face, drawn in chalk in our driveway.
i wish i had a photo of p's first face.
i bet i have her actual first drawn face somewhere...

Day 111 (Friday, April 20):

bathtime at our house.
p in the tub, playing, happily.
l hiding under her towel to get warm.
my feet, and me, surveying the scene.

Day 112 (Saturday, April 21):

liked the shadows by our calendar.
nice moment.

Day 113 (Sunday, April 22):

sweet cuddles on a sunday morning.
p was still sleeping, snug as a bug, tucked in her bed.

Day 114 (Monday, April 23):

l often goes off on her own to play, happy as a clam.
here she is with lucy the dog and ella.

Day 115 (Tuesday, April 24):

roses from our front yard!
i planted these with my own hands,
and they are doing so well.
proud moment for me.
(need to edit this photo to make it less peachy)

Day 116 (Wednesday, April 25):

at the doctor for l's 3 year checkup.
small bench and cute sparkly tom's.

Day 117 (Thursday, April 26):

it was pouring so l and i went to target after dropping p at school.
l loves books, and she found a big section of princess books.
she was happy and could have stayed for an hour.

*So many photos of l!  Where is P?  I'm going to have to get her in some photos without a scowl on her face...I'm feeling guilty.

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