Wednesday, April 4, 2012

365 Project: Days 81 - 89

Day 81 (Wednesday, March 21):

these little candles were a gift from a friend.
the girls sit up in our big bay window
and the three of us play dolls with them.
p's is pink, l's is purple, and mine is blue.

Day 82 (Thursday, March 22):
what a great morning.
the trees were just incredible,
and little l was having fun collecting flowers.
sweet moment for momma.

Day 83 (Friday, March 23):
nightly ritual (ok, not every night!).
the girls take a bath together and almost always someone ends up in tears.
cutie pies, nonetheless.

Day 84 (Saturday, March 24):
my parents came to visit.
everyone was happy to be together.

Day 85 (Sunday, March 25):
p is learning to read,
so she grabbed hop on pop and read to her sister at bedtime.
it totally warmed my heart.

 Day 86 (Monday, March 26):

a diptych for today.
after didi and papi left we were all tuckered out.
we climbed into my bed and took a big snooze together.
i was lucky enough to wake up first to see these sweet ladies fast asleep beside me.
(now, how can i get these two photos side by side in line with one another?)

Day 87 (Tuesday, March 27):
before gymnastics class the girls have fun playing outside.
i think they could have played with these balls for hours.

 Day 88 (Wednesday, March 28):
we went to see our friends, and here is the newest addition to their sweet family.
(not a great photo of baby h!)
p was so happy to be holding her.

Day 89 (Thursday, March 29):
we went out for lunch, and this fountain outside the restaurant was calling.
p ran in, fully clothed, happy as a clam.
l was a bit more apprehensive, but once her dress came off she ran right in.

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