Monday, May 14, 2012

365 gratitude project: Days 130 - 135

Day 130 (Tuesday, May 8):

very grateful for bowling.
we won a bowling party for p with her teachers and some friends.
l and i tagged along because l had yet to experience the magic.
it's official - we all love bowling.

Day 131 (Wednesday, May 9):

we made a banner for my mom for mother's day,
and these little art projects make me so happy.
i love that the girls and i do this together,
and the recipients usually enjoy them too!

Day 132 (Thursday, May 10):
after the playground we decided to go out for dinner.
the girls rarely hold hands, so i was so happy to see this.
i am so incredibly grateful for the sweet moments that these two love muffins share.

Day 133 (Friday, May 11):
about to get into bed and realized i didn't take any photos!
but then i looked at my bedside tables and saw the above.
i am so happy to have so many great books waiting to be read.

Day 134 (Saturday, May 12):

some good friends threw us a little going away party,
and it was such a great evening.
the kids were running around, having a blast.
the adults were eating, drinking, and laughing.
it was a really fun night and i felt so lucky to be surrounded by friends.
and beautiful flowers in mason jars!

 Day 135 (Sunday, May 13):

mother's day.
it was so sweet and fun,
and it started with coffee in bed and a delicious breakfast prepared by p, l, and b.
then b gave me a beautiful bracelet - see above.
and as much as i love the bracelet,
the best gift was a video that they made for me.
i was bawling like a baby.

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