Thursday, May 24, 2012

365 gratitude project: Days 144 - 146

Day 144 (Tuesday, May 22):

my sweet ladies before camp.
i love the summer, when their cute little bodies are covered by a bathing suit,
and they are running around having fun like wild banshees.
this photo sums up their moods perfectly, too: l was excited and ready to go to camp,
and p was nervous and feeling a bit scared.
such sweet girls.  
so grateful for them and their unique personalities.

Day 145 (Wednesday, May 23):

we switched bedrooms so that we can sell our king bed
(which will not fit in our nyc apartment).
last night i was extremely grateful for my iphone and it's convenience
as i hadn't taken any photos all day long, and i really didn't want to miss one day.

Day 146 (Thursday, May 24):

love this moment.
we have a big lavender bush that has grown like mad over the last few weeks,
and every time we come home we notice lots of bees on the purple flowers.
well, to get to our front door, we need to pass this lavender
which makes the girls (okay, all of us) a little nervous to be so close to so many bees.
so how did the girls solve the problem?
l jumps into p's arms, and p carries her up on the grass to the front door.
they call this position "koala" 
because l wraps her legs tightly around p.
it makes me laugh every time i hear p say, "koala, l" 
and l knows exactly what to do.
grateful that they have one another.

I am going to figure out how to make a book of this little 365 gratitude project of mine.  Anyone know an easy way to do this?  Ideas?  Suggestions?  I'm excited that I'm almost at day 150, but wow, time is flying by!

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