Sunday, May 27, 2012

365 gratitude project: Days 147 and 148

Day 147 (Friday, May 25):

ended up having a wisdom tooth pulled at 3:30pm
 on the friday before memorial day weekend.
i was a nervous wreck.
in tears and scared beyond belief.
and you know what?  it really wasn't bad.
i am so grateful for the extremely kind and talented doctor
and her fantastic team of nurses and assistants.
they gave me halcion to calm me down,
 a chobani so i wouldn't be hungry, and covered me with a nice, warm blanket.

Day 148 (Saturday, May 26):

i was in bed, recovering, and my sweet nurses
came in for a wrestle break beside me.
the three of them love to wrestle.
i'm talking serious wrestling here - 
the kind that leaves welts and red marks all over their bodies.
and they love it.
so grateful for these three taking such good care of me!
and grateful that no one got hurt.

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