Friday, June 22, 2012

365 gratitude project: Days 173 and 174

Day 173 (Wednesday, June 20):

holy heat wave!
despite the temperature, we managed to have an action-packed day of fun.
after camp, we took the girls to run in the sprinkler
 (which was then followed by a quick trip to children's place to buy p some dry clothes),
saw madagascar 3 in a nice, cool, air-conditioned theater,
and went over to a friend's house for dinner.
so much fun to see friends that we have missed dearly over the last two years.
so much gratitude for a fun day, air conditioning, a trip to the movies,
and a fun night with good friends.
oh, and the photo above: our clever friend got the kids to play "statue"
where they had to lie on the floor as still and silent as possible.
what a great way to chill everyone out before we had to say goodbye...

Day 174 (Thursday, June 21):

the official first day of summer!
holy moly it is hot.
luckily, the sprinklers at the playgrounds here in nyc are kicking',
so the gals are as happy as could be.
we are all extremely grateful for those cool sprinklers these days.

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