Friday, June 22, 2012

Friday Fun 6.22.12

Time for some fun now that the weekend is almost here!

  • Today is my parents' 48th wedding anniversary, so I want to wish them a big 

 H  A  P  P  Y   A  N  N  I  V  E  R  S  A  R  Y  !

  • the Wonder Scarf (colors and pom poms!) will add fun to any outfit

  • get some eeboo craft supplies and get busy!

  • A good article about women and what we should have/know before turning 30 (from The Huffington Post)
  • I saw this on Pinterest, and it makes me smile every time:

I love this guy/gal!

  • Lego stairs anyone?

  • Read this on Dooce.  Heather Armstrong makes me laugh.

That's all for now.  Have a great weekend, everyone.  Stay cool and have fun.

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