Monday, July 9, 2012

365 gratitude project: Days 188 - 191

Day 188 (Thursday, July 5):

guess who learned a new trick?  
we had lunch at a cute outdoor spot along a canal,
and one of my mom's friends taught p how to balance a spoon on her nose.
she was shockingly good.
grateful for a fun lunch and new tricks.

 Day 189 (Friday, July 6):

a few moments of total quiet, relaxing outside.
very grateful for the little break and the beautiful weather and flowers around me.
b came home from a conference, so we were all grateful to have him home.
the weekend is off to a good start.

 Day 190 (Saturday, July 7):

we took the girls to the beach
and we ended up staying for over five hours.
they loved it.
we made some new friends
who happened to be flying a kite.
grateful for beach fun and kite flying.

Day 191 (Sunday, July 8):

my parents had a dinner party,
and this was their kitchen the morning after.
is that not totally beautiful?
the hydrangeas and sunflowers 
were taking up half of their huge kitchen island,
and they were just incredible.
grateful for waking up to these amazing flowers and colors.

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