Tuesday, July 17, 2012

365 gratitude project: Days 192 - 200

Day 192 (Monday, July 9):

we had a picnic in central park for dinner and it was lovely.
the girls had a great time playing on the rocks and munching on carrots.
i looked over and saw p sitting so nicely, all buttoned up, with her arm covered in tattoos.
i couldn't help but laugh
and be grateful for my funny girl and such a nice evening.

Day 193 (Tuesday, July 10):

we explored the high line and i loved it.
this beautiful place, set amidst the tall buildings, a quiet oasis of calm.
grateful for this little escape in the big city.
and what fun it was to see the real curious garden!
remember that book?

Day 194 (Wednesday, July 11):

on our way back from brooklyn,
i looked over at the girls who were both on the verge of sleep.
it was a long morning - we walked across the brooklyn bridge,
stopped for a snack, and then explored the fantastic pier 6 park for hours of fun.
 sweet p saw me looking at her out of the corner of her eye,
and she gave me a sweet little smile.
as she smiled, her ear lifted up a tiny bit (which of course I told her),
so she spent the next five minutes smiling at me like this.
with such a great day of cool touristy fun in our hometown,
this moment on the subway is what i am most grateful for.

Day 195 (Thursday, July 12):

we took the girls to the playground before lunch,
and there was a table with crafts for the kids to do.
p made this awesome visor for b, and b proudly wore it all afternoon.
grateful for these sweethearts in my life, and that visor!
(and see the red dot above the head of her portrait of b?  that's his hat.)

Day 196 (Friday, July 13):

we went to pennsylvania to stay with friends for the weekend,
and the girls were a bit nervous about sleeping in a new place.
i sat with them while they fell asleep,
and as i sat, i realized i hadn't taken any photos all day.
the nightlight and rocking chair across from me made a nice little still life,
so i grabbed my phone and had fun with instagram.
it was not until putting this post together today that i realized it was friday the 13th - 
clearly it was on my (subconscious) mind as i took this eerie photo.
grateful for strange coincidences.

Day 197 (Saturday, July 14):

part one:
we went to a nearby town and explored their cool indie bookstore for a while.
p found a whole bookshelf of berenstain bears books
and she was content for our entire visit.
who doesn't love the berenstain bears?
so grateful for exploring a new town, finding a great independent bookstore,
and, of course, the berenstain bears.

part two:
we put the kids to bed and had a lovely dinner on the screened porch
with fresh and delicious food, including the juiciest chicken i have ever had.
grateful for a perfect summer night spent with great friends.

Day 198 (Sunday, July 15):

don't worry, the keys aren't in the ignition.
my little city girl had so much fun playing with her sweet friend
on the tractor for hours.
i think it was actually their garbage truck.
grateful for the country and playing on a tractor in pajamas!

Day 199 (Monday, July 16):

b came up with a fun pool activity (more to come on that at a later date),
and l had so much fun filling an old, empty water bottle with flower petals.
grateful for b's creativity, empty water bottles, beautiful flowers, 
and those amazing floaties.
(p.s. i didn't get photos of the haircuts i gave the girls, 
but they turned out pretty well.  grateful for evening haircuts that didn't
go terribly wrong.)

Day 200 (Tuesday, July 17):

day 200!!!
wow.  sort of can't believe i've made it this far.

and what a great day we had.
part of our morning was spent at the beach,
and i loved watching my crew in the sand and the ocean.
l, my little beach bunny, was content to look for shells and relax on her towel.
b and p were full of energy, jumping in the waves, making castles, 
and playing sand snake (a new game they invented).
grateful for a few hours at the beach with my gang.
such sweeties, all of them.

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