Thursday, July 26, 2012

365 gratitude project: Days 202 - 208

Day 202 (Thursday, July 19):

we had the best day.
it was chilly and overcast,
but we headed to the beach anyway.
we stayed for hours, the kite in the sky the entire time.
l was the happiest kite flyer.
p was pretty happy too!
grateful for such a fun day at the beach.

Day 203 (Friday, July 20):

the girls are like little fishes these days,
in the pool for hours.
they especially love playing 'sea world' with daddy,
and they have gotten pretty good.
grateful for my little swimmers.

Day 204 (Saturday, July 21):

i absolutely love collecting shells on the beach.
i mean, seriously love it.
here is a little composition of some of the darker shells we found.
aren't they beautiful?
so grateful for shells and collecting them with my girls.

Day 205 (Sunday, July 22):

the girls love this little garden;
they call it the "secret garden."
they happily run through it over and over again,
somewhat oblivious to the beauty and colors around them.
grateful for our secret garden and the squeals of delight it brings.

Day 206 (Monday, July 23):

b and p left to go camping with b's family for a few days,
so it was just l, my mom, and me.
it's funny, but i've never had days on end alone with l,
and while we definitely miss her big sister and daddy,
we're having fun.
grateful for one on one time with my little one.

Day 207 (Tuesday, July 24):

beginning the day with a cinnamon bun the size of her head.
not exactly healthy, but fun and a special treat.
grateful for a fun morning off to a very sweet start.

and to end the day, we had ice cream with papi.
not sure what she is inspecting here,
but boy does this lady like her sweets.
not unlike her momma.
grateful for more sweet memories in the making.

Day 208 (Wednesday, July 25):

we've both been feeling a little emptiness with b and p still away,
but the sweet smile on this affectionate little gal can warm my heart at any moment.
here's she is offering me her special lemon meringue strawberry smoothie.
yum yum.
grateful for the love from this adorable munchkin.

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