Sunday, July 29, 2012

365 gratitude project: Days 209 - 212

Day 209 (Thursday, July 26):

before bed, we were all lounging, just watching a show about bears.
l got up, walked over to papi, climbed up, and cuddled herself in the crook of his arm.
he was quite pleased and she was quite comfy.
grateful for how happy they made one another.

 Day 210 (Friday, July 27):

after a nine or ten hour car ride, b and p made it back safely.
we were so happy to finally see them after their days camping in upstate new york.
grateful to catch this moment between daddy and his little girl.
so grateful to all be together again.

Day 211 (Saturday, July 28):

what a great day - my birthday.
i slept late, was off to a great start.
we relaxed because the rain kept us from exploring the farmer's market and the beach
as i had hoped we would.
but it was nice and mellow.
then we went to my brother and sister-in-law's house for a little party,
and the rain stopped so the kids could swim.
we stepped outside, and the above immediately caught my eye.
so grateful for a lovely, simple, relaxed birthday with my family.

 Day 212 (Sunday, July 29):

the rain held off so we could finally get to the beach for a walk.
we collected shells, crab parts, and driftwood,
and we all actually worked up a sweat lugging our booty back to the car.
i love the beach.  
i am not a big ocean swimmer,
but i love being near the ocean and i'm weirdly addicted to collecting shells.
it was perfect.
so grateful to spend some time at the beach and collect lots of goodies.

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