Monday, July 16, 2012

Friday Fun 7.13.12 AND Monday's Musings 7.16.12

People!  Hello there.  I am so sorry that I never posted on Friday, but we were with friends at their house in beautiful Bucks County, Pennsylvania, and, well, I just never got around to posting.  I was thinking about it, though, so I have lots to share with you today.  And I will try not to skip a day again (it really messed with my mojo).

Instead of breaking this into the Friday Fun post and the Monday's Musings post, I am just going to go crazy here with one big post of goodness.  So let's get to it, shall we?

  • A few people have told me about Treme, a show on HBO about post-Katrina New Orleans.  Have you seen it?  

  • The Intouchables is a movie out in theaters now, and my parents (who are avid movie-goers) have said it is one of the best movies they have seen in years.  I can't wait to see it for myself.

  • I love this cute but casual look.  Could I pull it off?

  • I have heard that Minetta Tavern is one of the best restaurants in NYC.  Can't wait to try it.


  • Another happy artwork:
I love summer.

  • I've decided we're going to make some summer beach art for ourselves.  Perhaps something like this:
Then we could use them in our apartment for things like this:


  • We are also going to write (an actual letter!) at least once per day to a friend or family member.  This is a cute card we could try to make to brighten someone's day:

  • Love this, but is it real?

Now, here are some articles that caught my eye in yesterday's NY Times that I wanted to share with you:

  • 36 Hours in Providence, RI.  I love New England, especially in the summer, and can't wait to visit Providence soon hopefully.
  • "Don't Get Sick in July" by Theresa Brown opened my eyes to the "July Effect."  I will be trying to stay as healthy as possible all summer long!
  • "Love, Money, and Other People's Children" about the nannies and the children they care for was interesting to read because it's a relationship I often wonder about.

That's all for now.  I hope your week is off to a fantastic start!  Time for me to stop ignoring my children.  xoxo

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