Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tuesday's Tales 7.24.12

Good evening, friends.  Have you been reading anything good?  I told you about Gone Girl last week, and now I am reading Unorthodox, a true story of a woman raised in a Hasidic community in Brooklyn who leaves her family and religion behind.  I have yet to get to the part of her story where she leaves, but so far it is really interesting and hard to imagine a woman today living as she did.

Today I would like to share with you a really beautiful version of Cinderella by Barbara McClintock.

My girls love princesses and all of the princess stories, but sometimes I get fed up with the versions with the nice dog, mean cat, and mouse friends.  McClintock's version has incredibly beautiful illustrations, and while the stepmother and stepsisters are nasty throughout much of the story, everyone comes together in the end.  It's a nice change of pace from the usual Cinderella story.  Don't get me wrong, though, my girls still love the old Disney princess stories, but I definitely prefer this one.

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