Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tuesday's Tales 7.31.12

I am slightly embarrassed about the books I am going to post about today because they aren't exactly my favorites.  I love books with beautiful illustrations and great stories or characters, and these books have none of that.  Why am I going to post about them, you may be wondering?  Well, my girls love them.

Meet the Rainbow Fairies.  These easy chapter books are about two friends, Rachel and Kirsty, who, while on vacation with their families, meet and help fairies.  Evil Jack Frost tries to cause problems everywhere he goes, and his mean goblins help him carry out his naughty tricks.  Without Rachel and Kirsty's help, the fairies cannot protect Fairyland from Jack Frost and the goblins.

One chapter book would have been fine, but it is a series of seven (!), and my girls do not tire of it at all!  Every night they beg me for "one more chapter, pleeeeaaasseee."  They love the little fairies and their adventures.  And guess what?  After The Rainbow Fairies, my girls want us to read The Night Fairies and The Party Fairies.  In all, that's 21 fairy books.

The girls were so excited about this series that at the present moment, we have about 18 of these fairy books checked out from our local library in NYC (sorry to anyone who is waiting on them).  Oh, and we happened to walk by the book aisle on a trip to Target last week, and what did we find?  Olympia The Games Fairy which of course I agreed to buy because I thought it would go well with our excitement over the Olympics.  Needless to say, I doubt I will be reading my children anything other than fairy books for the next few weeks.

Now, here is the interesting thing, not only do the girls like me to read these books to them, but they play with them throughout the day.  They use the books as if they are actual dolls, and they create voices, houses, even families for them.  It's pretty cute to see them walking around with the books, morning and afternoon, calling to one another in their high fairy voices.  For all of my resistance to these books, the girls have spent more time playing with, looking at, and reading them than any other books in our house.  I have heard people say that it doesn't matter what kids read, you just want to get them reading.  Hopefully that's true, and if it is, these fairy books are making my girls into voracious readers already!

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