Monday, August 27, 2012

365 gratitude project: Days 234 - 240

Day 234 (Monday, August 20):

(i have been having a bit of technical difficulty
just with this one photo, 
so i apologize about the size.)

we had such an incredible day.
i started off with a bike ride,
and then in the late afternoon we went to
a friend of a friend's house who is an artist.
she has 60 chickens, hens, roosters 
which are the subjects of much of her art.
sounds unusual?
well, it was, but it was great.
then we went to a drum circle on the beach at sunset.
it was incredible.
so relaxed and fun, energizing and beautiful
as the sun set over the dunes.
one of the best days of the summer.
so incredibly grateful for such wonderful
new experiences.

 Day 235 (Tuesday, August 21):

lazy, relaxing afternoon at the beach.
collecting shells, reading books, running in the surf.
grateful for summertime.

Day 236 (Wednesday, August 22):

she is up in a tree and very happy to be there.
cute stuff.
grateful for climbing trees
(which i never did as a child!)
and her adventurous spirit.

Day 237 (Thursday, August 23):

 took this photo while out on a bike ride by myself.
such a peaceful hour.
and love how this photo turned out.
grateful for time alone, bike rides, 
and photos that turn out well.

Day 238 (Friday, August 24):

it was a rough day
with cranky kids and a cranky mommy.
but luckily b came back after a week of work.
thank goodness for daddy's return.
grateful for b, my best friend
and sweet guy who helps to cheer me up when i am down.

Day 239 (Saturday, August 25):

on a morning bike ride with my family.
l was on the back of b's bike in one of those child seats,
and p was on a trailer bike attached to the back of my bike.
it was so fun to be together, all four of us, 
exploring the town and giggling away.
grateful for trailer bikes!

Day 240 (Sunday, August 26):

our great day began with a bike ride to the beach 
and a few relaxing moments watching the waves.
then we went to a friend's for lunch
and it was so nice.
we spent five hours eating, laughing, chatting, playing,
and it was wonderful.
so grateful for high school friends and 
the perfect sunday.

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