Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tuesday's Tales 8.28.12

Ok, so I just couldn't stay away!  Not when I have this beauty to share with you:

We bought this huge book of fairy tales the other day and it is just incredible.  The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm is a collection of over 20 fairy tales that will appeal to both children and adults.  The tales are presented in a captivating and interesting way, and my girls love listening intently as we read them the stories that they already know, but are presented here in a unique way.  (For instance, in "Cinderella,"  the stepsisters both cut off parts of their feet to fit into the glass slipper, but the prince notices the blood oozing out of the shoe.  At the end, crows peck out the stepsisters' eyes as punishment for their horrible behavior.  Just a tad more dark and twisted than the usual telling of "Cinderella.")

Anyway, the stories are all familiar, but the illustrations which are done by a number of different artists are just magical.  The images are so striking and beautiful that all of us want to examine them closely before we can move on and turn the page.  The book is a collection of wonderful fairy tales for children, but it is also a truly incredible example of a children's picture book.  If I didn't have children I think I still would have bought this book for its stunning beauty.

Enjoy!  And I won't tell if you don't want to share it with your kids...

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