Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wednesday's Words 8.8.12

Happy Wednesday, everybody!  Hope you are having a great day, staying cool, having fun, and planning something fun for the weekend ahead.

I have so many fun things to share with you over the next few days, and for today, just some inspiring words to chew on:


This is a good one for me because I want to inspire others to be creative and to have fun with their kids, but I need to remember to do those things myself.  All too often I know I drain my family and friends with my constant worrying and anxiety, so I need to watch that and try to live in the present and enjoy it all.  I want to inspire, not drain, gosh darn it.  Working towards being a better person...

We're getting ready for a little picnic dinner at the beach, so goodnight you lovely friends.  Thank you for reading, and I'll see you here tomorrow.


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