Saturday, September 8, 2012

365 gratitude project: Days 243 - 252

Day 243 (Wednesday, August 29):

we went to the beach for a dinner picnic
and the ladies found the perfect spot
to make sand angels.
love them.
so grateful for the sand and imaginations.

Day 244 (Thursday, August 30):

i adore this photo.
with the summer coming to an end,
we went to the beach with my mom for a walk.
we collected shells (obviously!)
and the girls played in the water.
grateful for the beach and all of the fun we have there.
and so grateful for this sweet photo of my little girls.

Day 245 (Friday, August 31):

we fit in one last bike ride before it was time to leave.
this is one of our favorite spots that we just discovered,
and now we can't go biking without a stop here.
grateful for morning bike rides and the view from right here.

Day 246 (Saturday, September 1):

so happy to be with our friends at their place in pennsylvania.
the kids are running, swimming, and playing,
and the adults are supervising (a bit) while catching up (a lot).
so nice.
and the day ended with smores for everyone -
what could be better?
grateful for good friends and delicious smores.

Day 247 (Sunday, September 2):

nothing says fall more than apple picking,
and while it isn't quite yet fall,
we went apple picking!
honeycrisps no less.
we had a fun hour picking pounds and pounds of apples,
and then eating all our bellies could handle.
and a big happy birthday to our sweet friend, sk.  
we were so happy to be with you to celebrate
and share your delicious ice cream cake.
grateful for apple picking
and birthday celebrations.

Day 248 (Monday, September 3):

summer is over,
and we are back at home,
feeling sad that this fun summer is ending
and it's back to school and our routines.
but we will make the best of it and plan some fun adventures.
grateful for such a great summer with my family.

Day 249 (Tuesday, September 4):

while with our friends at their house over the weekend,
the kids discovered old maid.
they all loved it, but p really couldn't get enough.
luckily, we came home to find our pack of old maid,
so we have been playing it non-stop.
grateful for old maid 
and the amazing person who created this fantastic game.

Day 250 (Wednesday, September 4):

love this moment.
b squeezed in between p and l, 
reading them a bedtime story on the eve
of p's first day of school.
what loves.
i am so incredibly grateful for my family.
i am a lucky gal.

 Day 251 (Thursday, September 6):

p's first day of first grade.
and because we just moved back from richmond
where she was too young for kindergarten,
she has to go right to first grade because of her birthday.
we were both really nervous,
but she was so brave and strong.
i was so proud of my sweet girl.
i am so grateful for my kind, funny, brave girl
and the lovely person she is.

Day 252 (Friday, September 7):

look what arrived in the mail today:
their halloween costumes!
they could not have been more excited.
what a fun way to begin the weekend.
oh, and last night was family game night,
so it was a fancy evening at our house.
grateful for halloween costumes
and how happy they make my girls.

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