Thursday, September 20, 2012

Taking a breather...

I haven't been posting regularly and I am sorry for that.  I'm sort of taking a mental health break, for lack of a better explanation!

I need time to get my shit together, to get my girls settled into school here in the big city, and to work on some issues, so I will not be blogging regularly anymore.

Who knows what will happen?  Maybe I will miss the blog and the Monday through Friday posts and jump back into it?  Or maybe I will just post when the mood strikes and when I have something important, meaningful, exciting or just plain awesome to share?  I will definitely continue to post the 365 gratitude project photos because I am going to do it for the rest of the year and love to have all of these photos to look back on.  As for what else will be here on Modern Sweets, I have no idea.  Let's see what the future holds, shall we?


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