Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tuesday's Tales 9.11.12

Good evening, my friends.

I hope you all had a good day with this beautiful weather.

It's hard to think that it has been 11 years since the attacks on the World Trade Center.  It was amazing to me today to read all of the posts of friends on Facebook who lost loved ones in the attacks.  Time has  flown by since that awful day, but 11 years later I am sure we all remember where we were and exactly what we were doing on the morning of September 11, 2001.  Remember to show your friends and family just how much they mean to you because we are all so lucky to be here today.

I had planned on sharing a new fun book with you all today, but I changed my plan at the last moment (aka right now) to introduce you to Hug Time by Patrick McDonnell.

"There was once a kitten so filled with love he wanted to give the whole world a hug!"  
So begins this sweet book about a kitten who travels the world to hug all of the creatures on his "hug to-do list."

The story is simple and sweet, and the beautiful illustrations (done in ink and watercolor) add to the charm of this absolutely lovely book.  The best part is the end when McDonnell tells the reader to hug those closest to him or herself.  Read it with a child and tell me the whole experience doesn't warm your heart just a bit...


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