Sunday, November 13, 2011

Scenes from today 11.13.2011

Today I never changed out of my pajamas and we just lounged all day long.  I did leave the house once to get the paper which gets delivered about 10 feet from our front door.  I absolutely loved the entire day.  I had planned to go do lots of errands, but I didn't do a thing.  It was wonderful.

I think the hustle during the week of getting myself and the girls up, dressed, and fed by 7:45am to get to school by 8 has me totally exhausted by the time the weekend rolls around.  And Sunday just feels like a day of rest.  The girls love coming up with new games around the house, and B and I luxuriate in our free moments to read the Sunday New York Times.

So, here are moments from today (all taken with my iphone):

this was at 6:45 this morning - a nice, quiet time for a bath

my morning - coffee and the paper (and my camera nearby)

a vase I made in pottery class 
(with some fake flower pens I made too!)

never put my boots away last night

afternoon lounging

I hope your day was as relaxing as mine.  It was probably more productive than mine...

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