Thursday, November 10, 2011

Stool Boom! aka Stools for the Kitchen

After over a year of living without stools in our kitchen, we are ready to take the plunge.  The only real requirement is that they have a back so that one of our precious little ladies doesn't lean back and fall on her head.  It would be lovely if we could find something adjustable because isn't it uncomfortable when you are sitting in a chair that feels too high or low for the table (or as in this case, counter) in front of you?

Here are my top choices after a little internet research:

$358 for 2
pros: decent price, nice design
cons: perhaps too simple?

$92.65 on sale (barstool price)
pros: love the price, love the design, adjustable
cons: no back (boo!)
$126.65 (without the cushion)
pros: nice design,  back support/comfortable
cons: I see these everywhere

pros: stunning design!
cons: price
I bet you won't see these at every house on your block!
pros: love the fun design and colors
cons: no back

$1,710! (the polished version is over $3,000)
pros: design
cons: price!!!

$500 (yikes!)
pros: design - I love that it is clear
cons: price, no back

I think one of the stools from Crate & Barrel or the West Elm stool will win out because of price and practicality.  With two girls, ages 5 and 2, I think I have to stick to my guns and buy stools with a back.  I do prefer most of the back-less designs, but my girls' safety comes first!  What a good mom I am...

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