Friday, March 16, 2012

365 Project: Days 71 - 75

Day 71 (Sunday, March 11):

finally home again.
b took the girls to dylan's candy bar, and l chose this lollipop.
we figured sunday morning was as good a time as any to let her finally eat it.

 Day 72 (Monday, March 12):

p had a big dental day.
the morning started with two cavities filled at the dentist (she is incredibly brave).
and that night she lost her first tooth.
she was so excited and giddy, she was nearly in tears.
it was incredibly wonderful to see and experience.
the tooth fairy brought her a "golden coin."
she couldn't have been happier.

Day 73 (Tuesday, March 13):

before their gymnastics class, the girls made a block city.
they wouldn't let me look until they were ready.
they used every single block, and it really was awesome.
finally, they worked together on something without trying to harm one another!

 Day 74 (Wednesday, March 14):

an unseasonably warm day called for gelato.
those girls love their sweets.
they were silent for a good 15 minutes while they ate.
so funny.

Day 75 (Thursday, March 15):

another warm day, so we had friends over for some backyard fun.
we broke out the bathing suits and the sprinkler.
i love this photo.

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