Monday, March 19, 2012

365 Project: Days 76 - 78

Day 76 (Friday, March 16):
the girls and i went to watch b's soccer game 
(he is the assistant coach for the girls jv team).
p had so much fun rolling down the hill,
almost completely oblivious to the game.
and there's b on the sidelines, watching his team.
l and i were on the top of the hill - 
she was having some trouble figuring out how to roll down.

Day 77 (Saturday, March 17):

what a great day!
we started off with p's soccer game at 8:45am,
followed by a little bbq/pit fire at my pottery teacher's house.
it was a day of fun people, happy kids, happy adults,
and of course one very naughty leprechaun who left a mess in the girls' rooms!

Day 78 (Sunday, March 18):
b was on the computer all day, writing reports,
so the gals and i went out for an afternoon scoot
(well, they were scooting, i was walking).
p found three dandelions for us all to make a wish.
love these moments with my gals.
i didn't love the moment shortly after this photo was taken
 when we saw a rather large snake in the little creek right beside us!
needless to say, we went home after that.

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