Saturday, April 28, 2012

365 gratitude project: Days 118 and 119

Day 118 (Friday, April 27):

*I had two things that I am very grateful for today, so I decided to include them both.  Why not, right?

so grateful for this sweet little girl, her sweet big brothers, and her sweet parents.
b had to work late, so they had the girls and me over for dinner,
and it was so much fun.
see the kids playing in the background? they had an epic soccer match as the sun went down.
great night.

our beautiful roses!  
i am grateful that these pretty flowers greet me every time i return home, 
as they are right at the top of our driveway.
and get this: i planted them myself!  
seriously, i have no green thumb at all, so i am quite proud of these little beauties.

 Day 119 (Saturday, April 28):

so happy that there is some homemade art back up on our walls!
when we were showing our house, we had to take our art wall down
(it was a rotating gallery of the girls' art),
and when i saw this masterpiece that p created with stickers and a pen,
well, i just knew it had to go up.

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