Monday, April 30, 2012

365 gratitude project: Days 120 and 121

Day 120 (Saturday, April 28):

on saturday mornings, p plays in a soccer league.
she has so much fun playing with the boys (she is the only girl in the coed league),
and her coach is just about the best coach ever.

this saturday it was a little chilly, 
but l kept herself warm by happily running around by herself.
so grateful for the fun we all had, despite the cool weather and cloudy sky.

Day 121 (Sunday, April 29):

so grateful for a fun little discovery we made.
we went to the virginia museum of fine arts, 
intending to go inside and see art (which we did eventually),
but the best part was watching the girls have fun.
there is a big deck alongside a beautiful fountain, 
and the girls had a blast while we enjoyed the sun.

also, so happy to finally have a photograph of p!
even if she is walking away from the camera.

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