Thursday, April 5, 2012

365 Project: Days 91 - 95

Day 91 (Saturday, March 31):

we were all hanging out in the sunroom on this rainy day.
b and i were reading and the girls were playing.
i had fun experimenting with instagram.

 Day 92 (Sunday, April 1):
i took some much needed time away from everyone
and headed to barnes and noble where i completely enjoyed
flipping through magazines and not speaking to anyone.  ahhhh.

Day 93 (Monday, April 2):

the girls needed new shoes and i told them about toms.
p spotted these sparkly gold ones as soon as we walked in.
l took a few minutes to chose between blue sparkly and red sparkly.
these little shoes make us all so happy.  funny how some sparkles can do that, huh?

Day 94 (Tuesday, April 3):
we spent the afternoon drawing and baking.
these kisses were very tempting to us all.
and yes, i think l did touch all of them!

Day 95 (Wednesday, April 4):
at sweet frog...again.
i had to make a new rule that we can only go once a week.
it never gets old.

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