Thursday, April 5, 2012

A Secret

Hi friends.

Can you believe I have caught up with my 365 Project?  I'm sure I will fall behind again, but it feels good for the moment.

I have a secret to share with you today.  I discovered these a week or two ago, and I'm really sort of amazed at how incredible they are.  Curious?  Well, let me introduce you to...


I found these awesome little treasures in the freezer at Trader Joe's, and they make me so happy.  Now, I am no chef, but using these makes cooking easier by eliminating the need to chop sticky garlic or delicate cilantro when I have hungry girls waiting for dinner.

The little cubes slide out easily (no need to defrost), and within moments, you have your crushed garlic or cilantro all set and ready to go.

Last night I made some delicious black beans which I begin with sautéed garlic and onions.  No more chopping garlic for me, thank you very much!  I added two cubes and the onion and was done.  In case you're wondering, I then added two cans of black beans, some cumin, a dash of cinnamon which is totally optional and depends on your taste, and then let the beans simmer with some veggie stock for an hour and a half, adding more stock when needed.  They were delicious.

Oh, and if you have some beautiful Alexis Bittar bracelets, I highly recommend wearing them while you cook because you'll have just a little extra spring in your step.  (Have I mentioned that I adore his jewelry?)

The Dorot cilantro went into the guacamole, and because my girls sometimes eat guacamole, I cut a cube in half so the cilantro flavor wasn't too strong for them.  It's so much easier than chopping!  I love these little cubes, and the clever and fun packaging makes it even more enjoyable.  Wow, I sound way too enthusiastic about these...

p.s. Like my pottery bowls?  Yup,  made them!

1 comment:

  1. I went to TJ's after you told me about those at pottery! They are SO convenient.
