Sunday, June 17, 2012

365 gratitude project: days 165 - 169

Day 165 (Tuesday, June 12):

grateful for my funny hubby
who knows how to add moments of humor to otherwise stressful situations.
by the way, that spot he is lying in, on top of all of the packing paper
was remarkably comfortable.

 Day 166 (Wednesday, June 13):

dylan's candy bar! 
the girls couldn't possibly love this place anymore.
and now we live 4 blocks from it!
i love these awesome stairs.
dylan's gets some points for cool interior design in my book!
hmm, i could use a gummi right about now.

 Day 167 (Thursday, June 14):
i forgot how much walking i do in nyc.
my feet were torn apart after just a few days.
luckily, there are shoe stores everywhere,
so i bought myself a cute pair of sneakers 
to help me get back into walking shape!

 Day 168 (Friday, June 15):

on friday night, we tried the chinese restaurant on our corner.
p ate and ate and ate. i guess she was hungry.
we all smiled when our fortune cookies arrived.
grateful for this very ny moment.

Day 169 (Saturday, June 16):

what a fun morning.
we finally walked to central park (the girls scooted there, actually),
and this slide provided hours of entertainment.
they must have gone down it 50 times.
and at first l needed b or me to go down with her,
but in no time she was sliding down with her sister and by herself.
what a great morning! love those smiles and that park.

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