Wednesday, June 20, 2012

365 gratitude project: Days 170 - 172

Day 170 (Sunday, June 17):

ahh, father's day.
we went out to a nice dinner with my parents and my brother and sister-in-law.
and we ate pig.  (by "we" I really mean "they" because i only had one taste
and l had none.)
the entire pig was set on our table,
and then the waiter carved the head, as you can see in the photo above.
ears, eyes, snout, cheeks, tongue, and brain.  wow.
i was so grateful to be with family, to celebrate the dads,
to witness the science lesson that was the pig.
i was also grateful that the whole experience didn't completely freak out the girls.
actually, it was quite the opposite, and p had two bites of tongue
(after watching the waiter scrape the hair off of it!).
grateful for these crazy experiences.

Day 171 (Monday, June 18):

after picking up the gals at camp,
we headed over to a nearby playground for a bit.
l has been very clingy, perhaps due to the move or being at a new camp,
but for whatever reason, she is all about momma these days.
it's pretty sweet.
grateful for all of the sweet lovin' that i have been getting,
even if some of it is before 6am.

Day 172 (Tuesday, June 19):

how cute are they in these jammies?
p is way too tall for them,
and they ripped in a few places when b was trying to help her squeeze into them,
but she wanted to wear them anyway.
she is like a striped string bean,
and just seeing both of them in these make me smile.
grateful for striped footy pajamas.

after camp, we took the gals to paint some pottery as a gift 
for my parents for their 48th (!) anniversary.
i love, love, love doing art with my crew,
and i could have stayed all day.
grateful that we had some time to slow down,
get our creative groove on, and have fun together.

after painting pottery we were all hungry,
and b wanted to watch the france v. ukraine soccer match.
 we headed over to a bar,
and while it was complete overload for the senses,
we had fun watching the first half and filling our bellies a bit.
grateful for having girls who are cool to hang with their parents at a bar for an hour,
and who look so cute in momma's sunglasses.

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