Monday, July 2, 2012

365 gratitude project: Days 182 - 185

Day 182 (Friday, June 29):
grateful for b's curious mind and desire to try new things.
here he is, just whipping up some pasta from scratch.
oh, and he has a herniated disk in his neck
and a perforated eardrum,
but homemade pasta was on his mind!
nothing is going to hold him back.

Day 183 (Saturday, June 30):
we all know how grateful for these sweet girls i am, right?
well, they are just incredible and have been so sweet and fun lately.
don't get me wrong, there have been a few knock down drag out fights,
but usually within minutes they are hugging and laughing again,
so it's all good.
anyway, check out those hydrangeas behind them.
gorgeous, no?
so grateful for hydrangeas these days.
i feel like we are surrounded by them and their soothing colors.
love them.

Day 184 (Sunday, July 1):

these two have been like two peas in a pod since the beginning.
they love each other, play with each other,
and tease each other 'til the cows come home.
so grateful for papi - especially his nosy kisses (see top photo)
and willingness to have his hair styled (see middle and bottom photo).

Day 185 (Monday, July 2):
swimming in the summer -
nothing better.
grateful for didi and papi, their pool,
and ring around the rosie, of course

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