Monday, July 2, 2012

Monday's Musings 7.2.12

Happy July, friends!

Where has the time gone?  I feel like the last few weeks have just flown by.  I need this summer to slow down - it's July already!

Anyway, I apologize for not posting earlier in the day, but this week I am a single momma as B is away at math camp (aka a math conference).  The gals and I have lots of fun planned, but quiet moments for me to sit and blog are not exactly on the top of my girls' priority when there is a pool to swim in, flowers to be picked, seashells to collect, and ice cream to be consumed.  So, I apologize in advance if I cannot post earlier than 9 or 10 every night this week.  Trust me, I think about my posts all day long, and I love to have a few hours in the morning to get it done, but that schedule will have to wait until B returns on Saturday.

Ok, back to our regular programming, my musings for today:

  • Over the weekend I read this article and have been thinking about it a lot.  How busy are you?  Do you have time to do the things you truly love?  If not, why not?  If you do have the time, do you worry that you are sacrificing something else?  I will probably write more about this soon...

  • I have read a fair amount by and about Nora Ephron, and her death last week was very sad and sudden to those of us who did not know that she was sick.  I thoroughly enjoyed this article that Ephron wrote six years ago about her apartment on the upper west side.  It's nice to know that incredibly smart and successful women can trick themselves into believing what they want to (as I often convince myself of things that may not make the most sense).

  • Today someone mentioned the documentary about the architect Louis Kahn as a film not to miss.  I was an art history major in college, and art and architecture have always been an interest of mine (and B's).  Have you seen My Architect, written by Kahn's son?  It's on the top of my list.

  • We tried this today:

I saw it on Pinterest and thought it would be fun to do with the girls.  I traced my own hand, drew the black lines, and then let P color it in.  We will certainly be doing it again, with the girls' hands next time.

Well, that's all for today.  I hope you had a nice Monday and that you have something fun planned for the fourth!  Until tomorrow...


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