Wednesday, August 1, 2012

365 gratitude project: Day 215

Day 215 (Wednesday, August 1):

this is some seriously amazing bread that b made today.
it is incredibly moist and delicious,
and for dinner we had some tasty sandwiches
thanks to my husband's baking skills.
not sure if this loaf will make it through the rest of the evening and night.
luckily, he made another one for tomorrow.
grateful for fresh baked goods and an easy dinner.


  1. Yum!! Do you have the recipe? Also, you need to update your side bio to NYC missy! :)

  2. Yes, I will get the recipe and send it to you. We are going to try it with whole wheat flour tomorrow, so I'll let you know how that goes!

    I love your berry bowls! I think it's time to quite your day job!
