Thursday, August 2, 2012

Thursday's Threads 8.2.12

Did you see the full moon tonight?  Wow, it was ridiculously beautiful and I was lucky enough to watch it rise over the ocean.

I am not here to describe the full moon's beauty, however, so let's get on to today's threads, shall we?

To begin with today, I would like to share some looks with an edgy twist that I adore:

She has some serious edge, doesn't she?
I love the striped top under the leather biker jacket.
And that stare - oh my!

Perhaps I love this one because she has a big camera in her hand,
but again with the tough leather jacket!  I just love it.
Add a fabulously draped scarf for even more drama.

This overall look is too tough, but the top with studded shoulders could be fun,
but definitely not good if you need to throw on a sweater!

Black - how I love thee.
Statement jewelry - I love you, too.
Easy, comfy, and chic!

I could wear this every day - 
such an easy and versatile shirt,
and not quite a plain t-shirt.

Gwen has some serious style 
(sometimes I love it and sometimes I don't).
This look I love.
Lots of black, fun polka dots, and a long scarf with big pom poms
make for a fun outfit.

Now for some casual, everyday pieces:

Comfy jeans and an easy top 
(this looks like a sweatshirt and you know how much I love sweatshirts...)
for everyday wear with a little flare.
I couldn't wear them with heels, traipsing around the city all day,
but there are plenty of great flats out there that would look great with this.

Again, I need to lose a few inches on my thighs, 
but love this look of leggings and easy layered tops.
I'm a huge fan of showing some shoulder
and a leopard print accent,
so this is pretty great in my book.

Again with the sweatshirt love.
This has a fun drape, although I'm not sure about the hood.

For a slightly nicer everyday look:

How cute and fun!
I love the black and white of the top and the skirt 
(which are both great pieces individually)
paired with the yellow rain boots.
I would be happy looking that cute on a rainy day.

Those Olsens are fashion plates, aren't they?
I love this look of the perfectly fitting men's button down
with dark jeans.
The key, though, are all of those great accessories - 
bracelets, big watch, necklace, and ring!

Pops of hot pink to brighten anyone's day!
Plus that turquoise scarf and
 lots of jewelry to accessorize.

Love, love, love the combo of 
the green jeans,
the big cocktail ring,
and the leopard belt.

Is she wearing dark jeans or black pants?  
I can't quite tell?
I do know, however, that I love
the color and shape of the green top
over all of that black.

Simple black and white,
but a little peak of the undergarments
for some added sexiness.
Good for a date night.

Love this top!
The color and cutout design is just fantastic.
But I'd have to wear a strapless bra
and for an entire day, that just gets old.

Of course I have to throw in some shoes for fun:

I wish I had seen these earlier this summer.
So fun and cute.

These would be great for when 
plain flip flops won't cut it.
Jeweled seahorses are always a step up.

Fantastic neutral, easy wedge.

I love these leopard flats
and could probably wear them all fall and winter.

Sometimes a little bling on your toes doesn't hurt,
and these would make me a very happy gal.

I always like to show you something really beautiful or fun that isn't exactly practical for my life right now, but stopped me in my tracks:

These shoes are just incredible.
Way too high for me to walk more than a block in,
but I love the combination of colors.
The cool mint and the warm peachy pink with that black -

I just love this bag.
It is so stunning and simple,
and I think it is a work of art.

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