Friday, August 3, 2012

Friday Fun 8.3.12

I'm finally posting before 9pm - woo hoo!!!  Our good friends from Richmond are on the road to visit us and I can't wait!  They will be here in just a few short hours, and once they get here, I will not be in the mood to steal away and be on the computer.  What good incentive to get my post for today done early.

Today's collection is one of those random (pardon me, I meant to say eclectic) posts of various things I have found all over the web and just thought were cool enough to share with all of you, so I hope you like it.

  • Molskine has a black collection which would be absolutely perfect for making mini photo albums for friends or family.  I know my girls would each love one about their summer...

  • Check out these beautiful "seasoning cases" for salt and pepper:

The Acorn Lamp by Vasiliy Butenko
was designed by wrapping cotton rope around a bottle

  • I can't wait to make this salad this weekend:

  • I saw this idea once before, and when I came upon it again I just knew I had to share it with you:
The Calming Jar
When a child (or mom) gets frustrated and upset,
calming down can be hard, to say the least.
Sometimes you just need to take a few breaths
and chill out for a bit.
That's where the calming jar comes in.
The child shakes the jar to make the glitter swirl all around
and he/she watches it as the glitter slowly settles to the bottom again.
Hopefully at that point the child is calm, but if not,
just repeat the process as needed.
Caution: Do not give your angry child the glass jar!!! 
Wait until he or she is calm enough to sit and watch it
and not be tempted to throw or smash it.

  • And finally, I saw this and loved it:
We all could use more of those things in our lives.

Have a great weekend, sweet friends, and I will be back on Monday! 

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