Monday, August 6, 2012

365 gratitude project: Days 216 - 220

Day 216 (Thursday, August 2):

we had a picnic dinner at the beach,
and we were lucky enough to watch
this stunning moon rise over the ocean.
it was pretty incredible,
and the photo is not edited at all - 
the moon really was this color.
so grateful for another fun night at the beach with b and the girls,
and also grateful to see this amazing moon rise.

Day 217 (Friday, August 3):

great day!
our sweet friends from rva arrived
and we were so ridiculously happy to see them.
also, look who can swim (that's l not p)!
pretty cool to see her getting her arms out of the water like that.
maybe it's all of the olympics we've been watching.
grateful to be with great friends
and to have swimming girls.

Day 218 (Saturday, August 4):

p reminds me so much of myself when i was young.
i used to (and still do!) adore babies,
and she is the exact same way.
she is always asking if she can hold baby h,
feed baby h, say hi to baby h.
sweet girls - nothing better.
grateful for my big girl
and this sweet baby.

Day 219 (Sunday, August 5):

we took a little road trip to a nearby town
to visit our friends' aunt and uncle,
and they could not have been more warm and welcoming.
i love meeting interesting and kind people - 
especially relatives of friends whom i have heard about before.
we spent a lot of the day by the pool, 
and i was so happy to look up and see bamboo reaching up to the sky.
i have a big thing for bamboo, but have heard it's a complete pest
and totally invasive.
so i admire other people's bamboo whenever i see it...
grateful for a lovely afternoon in bellport with 
views of bamboo.
and did i mention their incredible arbor under which we ate lunch?
it felt like we were in italy.
so perfect.

Day 220 (Monday, August 6):

our homemade ravioli.
i came down from showering
and b told me they (he and our friends who are here for the week)
were going to make homemade pasta.
we all ended up getting involved
and it was a fun group experiment
that was deliciously successful.
grateful for a fun evening cooking with friends
and eating a tasty dinner.

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