Tuesday, August 14, 2012

365 gratitude project: Days 222 - 228

Day 222 (Wednesday, August 8):

i know.
this is a little mean -
to be posting this photo where clearly everyone is not happy.
but it kind of makes me laugh.
i can't remember why he was crying,
and instead i just remember what a fun night we had at the beach.
we saw three dolphins,
we ate pizza,
we collected shells,
the kids played beach snake,
and there were lots of cuties running around in their undies.
grateful for another sweet night at the beach.

 Day 223 (Thursday, August 9):

have you been to a hibachi restaurant with your kids?
well, mine sort of love it and are terrified by it all at the same time.
love this moment caught with the kiddos looking on.
grateful for hibachi fun.
p.s. i hope those two get married.

Day 224 (Friday, August 10):

oh, how it rained.
there was a tornado warning.
but we were with good friends and everyone was happy
despite the fact that we had planned to be in the pool.
oh well.
mother nature showed us who is boss.
sort of beautiful, though, isn't it?
grateful for everyone's spirits staying high despite the torrential rains
and very grateful that a tornado did not touch down.

Day 225 (Saturday, August 11):

a bit of a sad day because our friends had to leave 
and none of us wanted to say goodbye to them.
but lucky p was woken up with this cutie squirming around in her bed.
look at that smile!
such sweet kids.
so incredibly grateful to have had such a fun week with our friends.

Day 226 (Sunday, August 12):

look at that sweet guy.
yup, he's painting driftwood,
just being creative and rocking it.
love him.
grateful for my sweet and creative husband
who encourages all of my artistic pursuits.

Day 227 (Monday, August 13):

walking home from seeing the intouchables (go see it!) with b.
this townhouse was just so perfect with its 
lighting, architecture, window boxes.
grateful for a night out at the movies with my hubster
while my parents stayed in with our girls.
i love a night out when i can get one.

Day 228 (Tuesday, August 14):

today was funny.
b had an idea to take the girls on the staten island ferry
as one of his city adventures.
he is great that way - loves to see and learn new things always.
i have explored so much of this city where i was born and raised
because of him, and it is fantastic.
today's excursion was, well, a bit of a bust
with huge crowds, a cranky toddler, iffy weather,
but you know what?
we laughed about it and had an adventure, even if it wasn't our favorite.
grateful for our family excursions and explorations,
and our sense of humor.

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