Monday, August 13, 2012

Monday's Musings 8.13.12

Hello all!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend and that your Monday was a good start to the week.  We are back in the city for a few days, and then we will head back out to Long Island to finish out the summer while B begins preparing for the new school year.  I always feel so blue at the end of the summer, but this year we're going to try to enjoy every last moment of it.  The girls don't begin school for a few more weeks, so we still have plenty of time to live it up.  I'm hoping for many more visits to the beach, hours spent in the pool, some painting and drawing, lots of reading, and just lots of time lounging with friends and family.  What are your plans for final days/weeks of summer?

My parents watched the gals tonight so B and I could go see a movie that they told us about called The Intouchables.  Of course it was nice to have a night out with my sweet guy, but the movie made the whole night even more fantastic.

Listen to me:  if you can, go see this movie soon.  If you can't get a babysitter or get away for a few hours, remember this movie and see it whenever you can.  It is based on a true story of a man who is paralyzed from the neck down and the man who is hired to help care for him.  The Intouchables is such an incredible story of an unlikely friendship that kept me smiling from the first few minutes until the end.  Friendship, love, loss, family - it's all in there.  Oh, and good music of course.

Just go see it, and if you don't love something about it, then, well, in the words of Paula Abdul, you are a cold hearted snake.


P.S.  I am almost a week behind on my 365 gratitude project postings, so tomorrow I will steal away for a few hours to catch up on them.  I'm excited to share some fun moments we've had over the last week!

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