Friday, August 10, 2012

Friday Fun 8.10.12

Well, it's Friday night and I should be totally excited for a fun weekend, but...our friends are leaving to go back home to Richmond tomorrow, and I'm so sad to see them go.  We have had so much fun with them and their three sweet kids, so once they are gone it is going to be too quiet.  We'll just have to plan a trip down to Richmond soon to visit them and our other friends there.

Anyway, a few fun things to share with you before the weekend:

  • On Wednesday, there was an article in The New York Times about shelling in Florida and the people who collect shells as a serious hobby.  I didn't realize there was such a hobby, and while I am not quite ready to travel the world looking for shells, I can totally identify with the fascination of scouring beaches.  I love looking for shells, and maybe now I will try to convince my husband that a family trip to Sanibel Island in Florida would be fun.  (The article discussed a husband and wife who are both avid shell collectors, and the wife blogs about it at  After a few minutes spent on her blog, I understand how easily I could become a sheller.)

  • Also in The Times on Wednesday was a review of a documentary called "Meet The Fokkens" about twin 69 year old prostitutes who live and work (yes, they are still working at 69) in Amsterdam.  It sounds somewhat crazy and interesting, but also quite sad as the reviewer pointed out.

  • Have you heard of Charles Feeney?  He is a billionaire philanthropist who has given away $6 billion and has another $1.5 billion to give away in the next few years.  He sounds like a really good person.  What would you do if you had $1 billion to give away?

  • Want to raise successful children?  Read this for some tips and pointers.

  • I keep asking myself this question?  I definitely know I want to live near NYC, but with the cost of living and the lack of space, is NYC really the right fit for us?  Hmm...

Alright, time to chill with the friends and enjoy our evening together.

Nighty night, and have a great weekend!

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